Tweeddale Rideability Group SCIO

Apply to Ride

Who can ride?

  • the minimum age that we prefer is 6 years but are willing to discuss individual cases, there's no upper age limit
  • there's a maximum weight that each horse can carry, the upper limit for the largest of our horses is 11.5 stone
  • anyone with physical, sensory, learning, communication or behavioural difficulties can apply to ride with us, some conditions, e.g. uncontrolled epilepsy, unhealed pressure sores and brittle bone disease, are contraindicated
  • riders are asked to contribute £5.00 per session which helps towards the group's running costs.

To apply please email to ask for an application form.

Help Us Raise Money Online


To contact us please click on a link below.

For Information

To Donate
Donation form

To Adopt a Horse
Adoption form

Rider Applications
Apply to Ride